Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Enter Taoist Rehab: Creative Writing

So, If you've been following my blog for the last couple weeks, then you're probably sooooo excited about Taoist philosophy that one more post on the subject matter might make you overdose. Believe me I can totally relate;) I just start reading the Tao Te Ching and next thing I know I'm standing outside Barnes and Noble, after operating hours, in the middle of winter, with a venti coffee I mixed with redbull and crushed up Ritalin, scratching my neck fiendishly as I re-read chapters 1-45, and wonder where half my body weight went. It happens, I seen'd it with me own eyes. Believe me, whatever disgruntle employees open the store in the morning won't have any sympathy for whatever sob stories about existential crises you may have, I've tried them all.

You don't want that, and neither do I. So instead of overdosing you on Taoism, I'm gonna post poems I wrote. That and if Desi Mcmanus, my friend and manager, doesn't see any creative content on my blog, he's gonna drop kick me in the face. He told me so, and he'll do it, especially if the Bills loose any more games this season, and Jameson's Irish Whiskey is involved. So to avoid that whole mess, I will do this for all the readers, and Desi!!! (How's it feel Desi? Yeah we're doing this for you, we pulled the damn existential car over!!! You Happy now! JK You're my man!)

Warning: Most of these are older like first two years of college, some are about drugs, some are a little sadder. But I think they're cool;)

Broken Capillaries

When I snorted heroin the floors
of Crystal’s apartment were smeared with ash
that spoke in Sanskrit. This is where
small town sonnets are written.

The walls yellow and broken
with holes we punched in them,
resembled the face of the moon
when it shoots up behind clouds.

We’d drive down a highway that cut Buffalo
across the forehead with a switchblade .
The streets orange with factory lights,

sidewalks dug out of blackened snow.
On the West side houses didn’t stare
into the streets.

If they did they'd see
my friend’s capillaries
were bomb shelters.

They usedneedles
to write the saddest prose
I’ve ever read.

Those days, when I looked in the mirror,
my face was an obituary column typed into the night.

Calligraphy of Nerves

Here dawn is a pen,
cutting the floor into light
and dark with Rinzai ink.
I am a puzzle
of things I can never let go.

I haven’t died yet.
Watch me

unreel like a canister of film,
and knit the sky with a constellation.
The problem is
there’s no one brave enough.

Don’t ever think
you understand me.

I’m strong enough
to be fragile
as I swing
in a noose of nerves.

(side note on this last one: I submitted this to a class workshop, and it just so happened that a well known writer whose name was Franz Wright, (I believe that's his name, I mix him up with his father who was also a poet) sat in on the class, and he jotted down one of the lines in a little notebook he carried with him....I was psyched!!!)


You would never chase me when you got angry, your face
smoky olive, but eyes bright like windows to a forest fire.

Those were the times I learned to dig forgiveness out of my heart
like a mine. I’d run to my room, and block the door

with a chair, sit in the corner and listen to your footsteps
grow louder like thunder as it draws near.

Reveal to me my deepest fears as the hinges hold
onto the wall like this door is my only friend.

As you lift me over head with one hand and throw me at the floor,
remind me that I am not a man.


In East Aurora lamp posts are milestones.
In the darkness you can use them
to measure the distance between parks
when we travel through sidewalks.

On our way to Warren park
the tatters in our jeans prove
this town writes a story on you.

The train tracks change their chapters
when we reach them.

From the rails the night sky is a museum.
I view the stars without the framing
of tree limbs and power lines.

They know more than I.
They view us
in this corral of brick roads

and houses stood still in time.
We break bottles
of malt liquor in the streets,

with corcidrin eyes
lying on our faces,

waiting to get swallowed by Warren Park.
To run through her swing sets drunk,
daring to get knocked over.

We don’t have a purpose
but to entertain the stars.


Today took everything I had.
My crashed computer on the desk,
a wine glass in pieces on the floor,
and I lost the poem I wrote about you.

The cell phone in my pocket is busted,
I wonder if you called last night,
because today I woke up in a room
that was not my own,
and I remember what happened for once.

I gazed into my mirror for hours,
found my reflection,
and I looked it in the eye.

I found the human in me
tied by the throat
to a tree with deep roots.

It was running away so hard
it could have snapped its own neck


The dawn light through a barred window
cuts my eyes open like tin cans.
At 5 am they toss my cell,

throwing my thin slice of mattress
off the steel bed. They dismantle my room
like a poor argument.

My most forbidden quality rests in
the pen cartridge taped to a plastic fork
on my desk. It keeps me human.

They want to take that more than anything,
so I learn to hide it. They can never hear
me through my ventilation shaft,

my voice is contraband.
I exercise in secret
behind the showers, while the COs
read the comic strip.

But in the visiting room I am stripped
till they can look up my asshole.
Nothing can be hidden.
I wasn’t even allowed to touch my family.

But my Father snuck in something
I hadn’t seen. On his last visit
a tear fell on the left side of his nose

and disappeared
behind the mystery of the divider.

That's all for now folks! I have many more poems but I don't want you to overdose on my creative writing either, cuz then what will I do to break up the philosophy? I'm really like a glorified one-trick pony, I have a couple tricks that I variate and just hope that different people see different tricks at the right time;)

Any ways, hope you all are enjoying the blog, please send me any criticism you can!!! And tune in next time!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Politics of Desire and Divine Energy (part 1.1)

Before going further into explaining the Taoist view of how rigid moral practice and thinking suppresses natural desire, I want to cite one more example of pent up desire in our culture.

That example is the growing theory amongst modern adults that children and teens are unresponsive, spoiled, and infected with an undue sense of entitlement. The reasons why these things exist are many, but I think one big one is that the natural desires of the children are often times suppressed from an inability of different generations and family members, to understand each other. It just so happens that adults are the decision makers in a household, so therefore the children are often alienated by a system of governance in their own families that results in suppressed desires which leads to perverted actions.

This example, is one that shows rigid thinking is not necessarily a result of malice, but of attachment. Adults are the caretakers of children, and hopefully take that responsibility seriously. This responsibility often leads people into a difficult intersection, because we are faced with the prospect of balancing too tight and too loose of a rein over the livelihoods of children. What normally happens, particularly with younger children, is that they are instructed, and told what they "should" do, or how they "should" behave. This combined with the fear of the young getting in "over their heads" often times leads to a lot of restriction of the young, that leads to pent up curiosity for breaking social convention latter on in their teens.

I see this most tangibly in the actions of not only my piers, but people 5 to 8 years younger than me. I for one used to find an escape from a family and social system that didn't understand me (which is in no way saying my family didn't love me) in drugs and alcohol, and my mid teens to mid twenties was characterized by extreme excesses and a debacherous lifestyles, that got so out of control due to suppression at one point landed me in jail for 40 days. The more my parents tried to stop me, the more i'd get deeper and deeper into drugs and alcohol. My fascination with such substances is that they allowed me to experience a life free of convention, or personal worry. It at first was exciting, and adventurous for me to delve into substances as a form of escape, and it surrounded me with many friends who were very enjoyable to be with. However, it quickly transformed into a blockade for pursuing my own desires at which point I gave up drinking and drugs. In reality I outgrew them, and I had out grown them for a while, i was just locked in a social system that perpetuated their use. In the end my parents probably had a point, drugs and alcohol are not what I consider to be a worthwhile pursuit, especially if they lead one to excess. However, I had to learn that for myself. As my experiences in life played out, I changed, my desires changed, and the person I became at a latter age found happiness in a simpler life. The truth is that the person I am at 24 is not the same as the one I was at 18. They are two VERY different people, and alcohol was perhaps a necessary adventure in order to become the person I am today. In reality drugs and alcohol were really a manifestation of a more deeper truth I realized about myself, which is that I am an adventurous person. However, my adventurousness does not need to play out through the excessive lifestyle of the Party-goer

The point to all this is that mistakes are necessary, and not really mistakes at all, but opportunities to evolve. In the end your true self will shine through in the long run. By placing rigid and suppressive thinking, and purporting moral absolutes we preclude the chance for growth through experience, and make the process even more chaotic. Parents may think that if their child is drinking or smoking weed that they are going to ruin their lives, however it sometimes is beneficial to let things play out, rather than artificially go in and suppress someone's natural curiosity. Its good to have a little faith in people too;) If I had been more forcibly stopped from drinking as a teenager just imagine how much more I would have done it in college due to all the pent up desire (There were times I thought I wasn't gonna make it as it was already.) Even more scary are the things i see people ingest these days, particularly about 5 years younger than me,It shocks even me!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Politics of Desire and Divine Energy (part 1)

So what's going on in the world from a Taoist's point of view?


Well kinda, from another point of view one could also say this is just business as usual.

But to me these are exciting times because i feel the world is ready for change! The first reason is 2012! I would like to supplement this by saying I am NOT an end of times believer, or dooms day theorist, however I do believe in collective unconscious, and shifts in global realization. I feel that the world is waking up to inefficiencies in the manner in which it is being governed and run. I feel that this is resulting in a shift psychic energy that is manifesting in physical changes in the weather, as well as political and social upheaval. The starts of this have already occurred in many senses.

The first major changes obviously occured during 9-11. The post 9-11 world has awakened people to a certain underlying disharmony that exists despite the "best" efforts to develop structures that minimize the possibility of major conflict in the world. The U.N. for instance was theoretically created to engender a global atmosphere of cooperation and team work. However 9-11 demonstrated ever so concretely to the world that their are major underlying issues that exist behind the veils of statehood and diplomacy. These are issues that in my opinion can not be solved politically. Many may disagree with me on this idea but terrorism is a "grassroots" response to issues that are determined by larger political bodies. The whole problem of terrorism is that it comes from no state, but groups of fanatical/highly motivated peoples. This issue throws the whole idea of the U.N. flat on its face because the U.N. is a political organization. Such an organization can in no way have real experience with the people it's decisions effect. The same I feel is true for most nations to their populaces. The point is (in my opinion) that most nations are too large to govern effectively. The result is that a lot of people get pissed off because they live under suppressing systems that they don't feel provide adequate support for them. In the most extreme of these cases you get radical groups or behavior, and I'm not just talking about Islam.

I mention these previous points not to spark a political debate on ideology however to highlight an important aspect of the very way social politics is being carried out modern day. The commentary is in regards to balance and imbalance due to suppression of natural desire, and it is not exclusive to just politics but pervades almost every paradigm of human social practice on the microcosmic and macro cosmic levels. It also is something that relates to many of the theories discussed in Taoism. To give a broad analysis of the trend I am trying to analyze, I will refer to the phenomenon as "Rigid and suppressive thinking or governing" To keep with the political example I will refer once again to political structures. Examples of "rigid and suppressive thinking" in political structures is founded upon the governing bodies inability to understand the livelihoods of the people they govern. That is to say too many decisions that affect the livelihoods of the general populace are made by individuals who have no experience of the livelihoods of the people their laws effect. Additionally these people have a disproportionate say in the determination, legality and acceptableness of the lives/ actions of others. The result is that a lot of people live under these overarching governing bodies that are incapable of understanding and fulfilling their desires. As a result rigid laws are passed to maintain order that ends up suppressing the true feelings of the little people.

In response you see pent up aggression against the governing structures because they can't adequately take care of people's needs. The actual manifestations of such suppression are displayed in things such as terrorist groups, where people become fanatical by a world that is not listening to them, ignoring their needs and invading their natural sense of liberty. I disagree with the analysis of governments and the news that terrorists are just people who hate America for no reason. I do believe they hate America, I do not believe anyone does something without feeling it worth while to them. I feel their fanaticism is often due to haste and desperation, that it is rather ineffective, and problematic to most peoples lives, but I do believe it is rooted in actual responses to the world they live in. For instance I feel a large sense of dissatisfaction and alienation amongst Arabic people leads the more radical amongst them to find sanctity and hope in fanatical Islam. I think this has been exacerbated by what they may feel as invasive and unfair interference by western countries and international politics.

I also think that those who say this is a phenomenon unique to Islam are blind to how it exists in America too. People forget there are radical and hate driven American groups too, like the KKK, for instance. The KKK is often very religiously motivated, and has been violent against minorities in America. Although I'm not particularly well versed in KKK history or ideology I'm sure it would be easy to demonstrate that they are highly motivated people who do not feel their desires are properly represented or fulfilled by their government or society, and therefore take matters into their own hands. One may say "Well they're not terrorists, they don't bomb buildings in other countries." however the dynamic in America is different then it is in Arabic countries. People forget that the Middle East has been cut up and invaded by western countries and that has left some bitter sentiments. How would America respond if another country came here and said that Delaware had to be converted into a state for Native Americans, and all inhabitants must relocate? I bet the KKK would be attempting to bomb the other country after a while if that were the case.

I'm also not suggesting these radical groups are in the right, I think they are extremist and misguided and their own desires are too rigid to be adequately fulfilled. However i do think, particularly in the America-Middle East case, rigid and coercive actions have suppressed the natural sentiments of the people in those countries, and it has resulted in a lot of disharmony and pent up emotional distress.

That's all for now but I hope to demonstrate in the upcoming posts how current mindsets and political systems are tangling the psychic energy of the globe, that will inevitably result in large social upheavals in the upcoming years. I would also like to demonstrate in the next few posts how Taoism offers a powerful philosophical remedy to many of the complicated tribulations of world politics, and how that remedy will be of a social and cultural manner rather than a political one!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

So why Hip Hop and Taoism?

After reading the title and general premise of this purported blog, many of you who know me may say to themselves "Another one of Josh's wild idea's about mysticism, and social change, why should I bother reading?", many of you who don't know me might say "Awesome man! Blogging Rocks!!".... (my friends have always been very supportive of me!!)

In either case the important question to ask is why should one be excited about Hip Hop and Taoism (pronounced Dow as in dowism) for social change, in fact why would one cite Hip Hop and Taoism as proponents of social change given the current state we live in. For one Hip Hop is mainstream and hyper commercialized music and furthermore it has devolved into a barrage of cliches, remarks of misogyny, mentions of gratuitous sex and violence, and is hopelessly materialistic even narrow minded at times. In most senses one would say that it is the perpetuation of the current state of affairs rather than the impetus for change. I suppose the exact opposite claim could also be argued depending how you would like to look at it. Taoism on the other hand is just one of the many religious philosophies in a whole mess of seemingly conflicting ideologies that make up the chaos that is global religion today. Why then Taoism, as opposed to any other mystical philosophy, what about it is even relevant compared to all other current philosophies.

The reason why I am focusing on Hip Hop and Taoism in this blog, is becuase i feel they are perhaps the most powerful forces I can readily think of in making true deep rooted change in the world. To begin let's focus on Hip Hop.

Hip Hop is a genre that is quickly becoming the most ubiquitous musical style, not just in America, but in the World! People all over have adopted Hip Hop as an artistic means of self expression, and it currently transcends language, race, sex, and age boundaries all across the world. Put simply it is a universal music that connects us all. Even more importantly Hip Hop from its get go was a creation that speaks to disaffected youths, and those who yearn for social change. This of course is inherent in its origins in 1970s African Americans living in the Bronx who were subjected to a lifestyle that most Americans (at the time) could not understand, relate to, hear of, or even comprehend because of how radically different and alien it was to white culture. Perhaps one could even argue that hip hop itself finds its roots even further back into the griots of Africa, and thus achieves a world significance that dates back centuries by extension.

Although what hip hop has become is in many ways quite saddening, and shallow, its roots are pure and powerful. It is not by continuing the trend that hip hop has been following as of recent times, but returning in ideology to its roots in speaking to disaffected youths and those who yearn for social change. Furthermore the art has expanded to include a unification of white and black kids all over america. It is probably one of the only things you'll find uniform amongst teenagers these days: most of them listen to rap. Unfortunately the rap they're listening to is very materialistic, shallow, and to be honest racist in some occasions. Most people don't care now adays becuase they don't get lost in the intricacies of the lyrical content, however if you listen its in there.

In recent years however, hip hop has opened up drastically, and now many emerging emcees come from all nationalities including caucasian. It is my opinion that in the next 5 years the artists that are currently rising through the ranks will be much more diverse and we will see popular white rappers other than Eminem. However this is only tangentially important my bigger point. The bigger point is that I feel if there is one musical genre capable of inspiring a grass roots social movement on a national and global level its Hip Hop. The reason for this is that the youth have been yearning either consciously or unconsciously for some kind of bright light and camaraderie in face of all the problems that continuously get dumped on them by their world, and hip hop is the most universal aspect of the youth around the world. Most people comment on how this generation seems to be lethargic and disinterested in the world at large, however I feel the reason for this is that most of the issues they have to deal with are rather depressing and uninspiring. Talking about politics to someone 12-24 is often times burdening. That's why i feel music is a good alternative because of inspiration and connection. By inspiring and connecting the youthful amongst us with hope through music, rather than belaboring them with political issues that they don't really have a fair say in, we can band together on the shared desire to better our world. It is only through change rooted in culture rather than politics do i feel that we can make a truely lasting and meaningful change.

This last issue brings me to the second aspect of this Blog: Taoism. The reason I feel that only a cultural revolution could inspire true change in this world is because the political systems in my mind are the problem. I'll come out and say that I don't vote, and I'm not ashamed of that because (aside from the fact that lobbying makes votes a mere formality, when in actuality wealth determines one's say in government) i don't believe that any politicians from either political party can make the changes that i feel are necessary in my country or my world. I think this becuase they are either part of the problem or too ineffective (normally both) to make the change. Even if I thought someone could get something done, they would only make more laws, that would make more complication in government and eventually make government more bureaucratic and suppressive. I believe the governments we live under are inattentive to our needs, overly commanding in their say in our personal lives, and ineffective in managing our world. Furhtermore i feel they end up suppressing the desires of the people they govern. I feel they work too closely with big business and purposely mislead us to look outside of ourselves for comfort. They bombard us with things to buy in order to placate our emotional disharmony, and give us prescriptions to curb any wild emotional excesses one may encounter, therefore preventing humans from facing their own anxiety which helps one grow. (When you put it this way it sounds like one of those dystopian novels doesn't it) The result is a populace of scared and emotionally ignorant people. I'm not saying the average American is bad or stupid, i just don't think we are creating a culture that is conducive to growth on a personal and psychological level. In this age of technology we have the ability to contact people across the globe and have relationships with people we've never met in person and maybe never will. However in our own families and amongst our communities there is disharmony, divorce, hatred, racism, discrimination, bullying, etc. Do you think it wise to contact people across the world when we can't even take care of those we live with on a daily basis. How far have we come if we can send a man to the moon, but can't get along with each other on a personal level. Now adays i think many fear war, and all our concern for the outside world has only enabled us to heighten our ability to destroy one another. If there is coercion and disharmony in ourselves, then these technological tools, are the most dangerous weapons in our own hands.

So what does Taoism offer. Well the truth is i could talk to you for 100s of pages about that. I hope to address alot of it gradually through this blog. I think mainly it calls for a return to simplicity. Taoism is generally about breaking through and destroying coercive or limiting ideologies, structures, or habits in one's life, which makes it a perfect compliment to the suppression people encounter on a global level from politics. To start for now we'll concern ourselves with Taoism's main tenant "to treat things from the root." This is a metaphor for one taking care of oneself before going out and instructing others. The self or the individual could be considered the root of all his/her personal interactions in the vast matrix of relationship. In Taoism life is relationship, life is literally the energy that connects us. Therefore study of Taoism concentrates on getting to know oneself, in order to find balance, and by doing so it creates a chain effect that balances all the corresponding relationships. (If large groups of people were to do this imagine the chain effect) In Taoism it is said "Knowing the self is enlightenment and knowing others is wisdom." Ultimately this goes against the subtle ideology of our culture that one should look for outside stimulation to placate any problems. Too often do we prescribe food, drugs, toys, goods, cars etc etc, to help with our mid life crisis's, or emotional insecurities. instead Taoism calls one to look inside oneself to find a peace from such disharmony.

Another benefit of treating things by the root fits perfectly into the paradigm of a cultural rather than a political revolution. Culture is the the root of politics. Politics is the male governing property that corresponds to the female culture (male/female, are yin and yang correlatives in Taoism, they represent opposites that are mutually entailing) It is our livelihoods that are suppressed by rigid and inattentive systems, and it is only by enhancing our livelihoods that we can eventually lead the politics to change, since politics are rooted in our culture. (It is important to note that Taoism is a peasant religion, it is embraced by the little people rather than top heavy ones) In the end Taoism calls one to stop spreading themselves thin by reaching beyond their grasps, and instead to pay attention to the foundation of their livelihoods and strengthen that.

paired together, a hip hop designed social movement inspired by Taoist principles, could address many of the issues we face as a society today, particularly due to the suppression of our ruling structures. Not only are they a perfect compliment in lieu of the current world events, however they are quite complimentary in ideology as well!! The Warrior poet style of the MCing is almost a perfect analogy to many of the themes espoused in the Tao Te Ching. On a grander level my interpretation of Taoism calls for a warrior like focus in order to harness change in oneself. Furthermore I interpret Taoism as calling for Warrior-like efficiency in living one's life in order fight for the real change and true liberty in one's self and one's relationships.

To keep things short, I'll stop for now, however soon their will be a continuation of this post, so hold tight and stay tuned!!! also don't worry its not all gonna be heavy social theory, I'm just laying down some of the ideas i had in creating this blog!!! Talk to you soon, and everyone have good luck, peace and Love!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome P.s.

Feel free to post any information, events be it world news, or poetry readings, books, lyrics, poems, or Music you think may be pertinent for myself or people who follow this blog. Especially post if you made the music yourself and you wanna share it!!

This blog is more of a philosophy of life through music and writing, as well as a place to post writing. I should highlight the writing as I write lyrics and other creative pieces so usually other people supply me with music. But yeah i like to read other people's work, cuz it often times inspires me, and adds to my understanding of writing, so that is something i enjoy, and i encourage you to participate!

But for now I must continue to study for work, I got a new job at a fancy Mediterranean restaraunt, with alot of new drink recipes!! Expect more posts on sunday night or monday!!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Welcome to perhaps the scariest day in internet history: The day when I, a humble lyricist and mystic can make my private thoughts and philosophical inquiries/commentaries known to the world at large. "WWW" might as well stand for "Wild Wild West" from now on cuz its going down, and their ain't no laws, pretension or concern for political correctness governing this kid's heart and mind. Nothing stopping me from living the life I have chosen, one of adventure, love, dreaming, and the truest pursuit one can endeavor upon: that of awakening to the mystical reality of Tao. My personal chronicles of returning to the "un-carved block" the unadulterated, raw, logic defying, mystical reality of nature, and the music that it has inspired in me, and through me ;) A music of heart, a music of mind, a music of livelihood and living, a music that sings to destroy fear, the music of a brave man who is working tirelessly to become fearless!

Anyway That's the voice over for the trailer to a movie about this guy I know.....It just so happens that guy is me! By day Josh Sadek, by night....Josh Sadek.... in the street.....ehhh, also Josh Sadek, but other times when freestyling, or recording music I go by Skitzopoetic, a name given to me in a freestyling session by a friend who thought my delivery was schitzofrenic but poetic. The name represents a person I once was, a very confused teenager trying to piece together some semblance of sanity in a world that is just so damn confusing at times. But out of the ashes that was that person rose a more balanced, aware, and fearless individual who seeks to milk every drop of sweet sweet beauty out of life that he can possibly manage, as he sucks on his pineal gland like a newborn infant in meditation to wake up and smell the fragrant scent of life.
I was the biggest obstacle in living my life for so many years, and Skitzopoetic is a name i go by that reminds me that life is warfare! However I'm not fighting to win by overcoming others violently or otherwise. I'm fighting for peace, and that starts with me, The greater Jihad as they say in Islam. Perhaps that may sound selfish, however how can you offer to others what you have not even given yourself?

This blog is my first attempt to create a space where i can discuss ideas not only regarding writing my music, experiences meditating, but also the world! What a world we live in, and what a time to live in it. So beautiful, so exciting, as we sit on the brink of great changes. Change, as always, is something that people fear, however it is inescapable. We are so worried about protecting what we have, we often mislead ourselves into thinking that we will loose. So many people worrying about the end of the world these days. Its sad to think that we're already talking about the end of the world, when most people, including myself, have not even begun to live yet! I'm almost 25 and only in the last month have i really realized that I haven't even begun to live my life, in a real sense, not just in age but in actually living my life. Then one may look to the world around them and see how things have fallen apart in many ways, and maybe you fear that things are at the point of breaking. Yet that's the exciting part cuz that's when room opens up for growth! And it is the youth that have the most to be excited about. For so long people have made decisions as if we didn't count, or didn't matter, as if no one had to deal with the mess that is the international world these days. We've lived so long under the laws and ideas of structures that we had no say in and now I feel the changes of the world are prime for a rebirth of true romance, of true freedom and liberty, in the real sense. Having a vote doesn't mean you are free if your everyday life is caged in fear and confusion. If that is the case then you are trapped! The world we live in is not conducive to offering one a way out of that existential state either, however thankfully, we all have inside us the Power to find happiness in our lives, peace in ourselves, and that my friends is a wealth that cannot be robbed. No one can take the joy in your heart, or the vastness of your mind. A man who has found those things could live his entire life inside a cell, and still be the freest of all that walk the earth.

So this cite is about dreaming, enlightenment, Inspiration, adventure, observation, focused-ness, awareness, hard work, changing the world, hip hop, writing poetry, and making the most of what you have, and most importantly Love. Love is truly so sweet, and I would fight any battle to give it to myself or a friend. And one can only love with true efficiency through enlightenment, which comes through the realization of Tao! Love is what lead me to that pursuit, and it is my greatest tool for continuing the adventure!

So if you find yourself reading my blog, know that you are loved, and that there are those amongst us who are still venturing forth to Live with all the excitement of a newborn child and spread that through our beautiful world to make real changes as we unlock our true potentials.

Are You?